Sell Weepuls as the medium by which the Golf Outing door prizes are awarded. How? By perforating and 2-posiiton sequentially numbering our Polysoft ribbon.
The right end of the ribbon is deposited into the prize drawing bin. The attendee keeps the rest that has their coresponding prize drawing number and other information such as event name, date or sponsor information. In other words, the keepsake/momento also serves to facilitate the door prize function.
Our new “True Life” printing capabilities deliver impressive, fine-detail, full-color imagery. Pictured is what we did for the ACME Company’s “Roadrunner Scramble”!
And because we can print the back of the ribbon, you or your client can sell that space to a sponsor — helping your client underwrite the cost of the promotion.
Need creative help? Email me what you want imprinted on the ribbon along with logo. We’ll email you back a PDF virtual mock-up to show your client/prospect. Call me and we can quickly discuss concepts and get something nailed down. I’ll make it easy and probably fun too. 🙂 Call or email me now for Free Golf Weepul and Polysoft ribbon samples showing how perforation and 2-position sequential numbering work together to deliver promotional power. PPAI: 113393 SAGE: 55140 ASI: 40560
Warm Weepul Wishes,
Weepuls are sold only through an authorized nationwide distributor network of Promotional Marketing Professionals. To use Weepuls at your next function contact a Promotional Marketing Professionaol near you.